Monday, November 12, 2007

Arnhemland Australia - Federal Election 2007

Airborne over western NSW at thirty thousand feet the clouds look like little lambs running around the paddock.

The roundtrip to Thailand and back begins with this flight to Darwin in readiness for a sidetrip to Arhnemland to take part in the 2007 Federal Election. From Darwin we take a twin engine plane to the north coast of the Northern Territory landing at Milingimbi, Raminginning and Nhulunbuy. On the return flight we land at Galiwinku(Elcho Island) where I'll be making a side trip from the side trip by taking a 4WD to the communities of Gawa and Banthula in the extreme north of the island.It's a remote area and we will have EPERB and satphone.I hope to upload a map soon to make this post more relevant.

Gawa was a place used by the Bajo fishermen from Indonesia up to the beginning of the twentieth century. Here they collected Trepang or sea cucumber which they dried on the beach and at the end of the season carried back home and sold to the Chinese market. They mixed with the local inhabitants who sometimes also went back with them to Makasser creating family links. If you go to Maklasser, go to the Museum where you will sea photos of Aboriginal people who went to Makasser during the 1988 Australian bicentenary celebrations to renew family ties.

Want to see Arnhemland from 10,000 feet in the air?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fuck man, that sounds like an awesome trip. I have only been to Darwin once, over Easter, and that was cool. But seeing the more remote areas would be killer.